Loading a config file in Bash

How to include and read variables from another Bash file in a Bash script.

How to get the last modified date of a file in Bash

Use Bash to get the last modified date of a file.

How to fix the mysql_connect fatal error in WP-CLI

How to fix the “Call to undefined function mysql_connect()” error in WP-CLI.

How to run a PHP file on a remote server (SSH) via a Bash script

Learn how to execute a PHP file remotely (using SSH) via a Bash script.

How to run commands on a remote server (SSH) via a Bash script

Learn how to execute (one or more) commands remotely (using SSH) via a Bash script.

 — Updated

Handling user input in Bash script

Collect and handle user input in a Bash script.

Checking the HTTP response code in Bash

Use Bash to get the HTTP response/status code of a URL.

Text formatting in Bash script

Make the text in Bash scripts easier to read with colors and other text styles.

 — Updated

Creating shortcuts in Git Bash

Improve your productivity by creating command shortcuts in the terminal.