
After changing the slug of a custom post type, the Yoast SEO breadcrumbs still link to the old URL of the post type archive page.


I found this solution suggested by the plugin support and it worked for me.

We will need to update the URLs used by Yoast SEO breadcrumbs.

Here are the steps:

  1. Install and activate the Yoast Test Helper plugin.
  2. In the WordPress admin panel, go to “Tools” » “Yoast Test”.
  3. Click the Reset Indexables tables & migrations button.
  4. Go to “SEO” » “Tools”.
  5. Click the Start SEO data optimization button.
  6. Check the URLs in the breadcrumbs again - they should now be correct.
  7. (Optional) Disable the “Yoast Test Helper” plugin.
